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e-media > access a digital world

e-pubs, interactive pdfs for viewing on screen

View samples of work created by Stylus Design.

fixed layout e-pub

for reading on your phone or tablet

Unlike regular e-pubs, the ‘fixed layout’ is derived from and mimics the exact layout of each page of a printed publication. View these documents on your phone, tablet or computer screen using Books or your favourite e-pub reader.

Turn pages, zoom in, view full screen, navigate using thumbnails, add sound and interactive elements!

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interactive pdfs

navigate, fill forms in offline

You probably know that an Acrobat pdf can appear just like a printed document.

Interactive pdfs go one step further.

If you would like to deliver a publication to your clients by email instead of printing it, then you might like our interactive pdf format.

It is a self-contained file and only requires the free Adobe Reader. Users can also read this type of document offline. Internal navigation links enhance the user's experience and there are other options including fill-in forms that can be submitted by email.
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Note: the interactive form process works best when the user downloads the form to fill in and submit. It cannot be filled in online. You can download the demo file below.
File NameTypePermissionsDateSize
LGPA Finance for non financial people RE pdf 0644 31-May-2023 08:32 4 MB Preview Download

on-screen flip book

for web and mobile devices

View multi-page documents on screen

Turn pages, zoom in, view full screen, navigate using thumbnails or arrows, add sound and more!

Magazines and catalogues can be viewed on desktops and mobile devices like iPads and iPhones.
There's a bunch of files needed to make this happen, but if you'd like us to post one of these on a website we have built for you, it's easily done.
Or we can send you a package for your web developer to publish.

Call today!

to discuss
your special project

Send a file

Want to send us words,
pictures or artwork files?

Our MailBigFile service allows you to send
really big files using your web browser.

Avoid issues with email limits
by sending up to 20 files at a time.

The best way to send large files
in a safe, secure and compliant way.

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